Monday, November 28, 2011

Where did "The Thrifty Equestrian" come from?

■Just where did " The Thrifty Equestrian" come from? Well this idea for horsekeeping tips, tricks, and hints came about 20 years ago.  At that time there was a hand helded vacum on the market that sold for $39.99, but they had one that had horses all over the red dust bag that cost (brace yourself) $129.99 yes you read that right!  When I compared the two items side by side they were EXACTLY the SAME, same power, same wattage, same tools, etc, but horse people were being charged an extra $90.00 for horses printed on the dust bag, I was outraged and so I began to put a book together with all the ideas I had used, come up with, and found over the years of showing, and just keeping horses and decided to share it with the world. I figured there were others out there who were like minded as well.  Except after the book was done and I sent it out to publishers they all came back rejected, with a note saying "we don't think this will sell very well" or something to that effect. So I shelved it.
While on a facebook groups site, these ideas came back and I started to think that maybe this was a good forum for my research. (I spent two years working on this book, while my kids were toddlers, no easy feat, and without a computer.)

Everything in the book is all done with economy in mind. Not only financially more economical, but time wise too. Hey we all have very busy lives and they seem to get busier and busier even with all of our modern devices. I also have time stradegies too, hey if theres a quicker faster way to do something I'm all for it. And things need to be practicle and easy to do.

Plus ideas for being green. Going Eco-friendly is also something I have an interest in, so when I can there will be eco-friendly ideas too.
Someday in the near future I'm even considering doing an ebook and I've been posting videos on youtube, Keep your eyes open for that.
Happy Trails everyone!!!

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